


We have known each other since the third grade. Even though it wasn’t quite love at first sight, love did eventually blossom for us in high school. After six years of dating, Matt finally proposed to Alicia and of course she said yes! We have been happily married for over eight years now and cannot wait for the opportunity to expand our family.


Matt is a Graphic Designer with a local advertising/marketing company and Alicia works for a Pharmaceutical Company in the Quality Assurance Department. One of our favorite things to do is travel. We have been to numerous places throughout the country, but our absolute favorite place to visit is Disney World. There is something special about that place that brings out the inner kid in us. As a couple, we both love sports. Most afternoons are spent watching our favorite sports teams, whether in person or on the television. We enjoy laid back game nights with friends. We have a close-knit group that likes to get together monthly to catch up and just enjoy each other’s company. Matt enjoys several different recreational sports such as slow-pitch softball and golf. He also enjoys going on regular bike rides. He has become quite the handyman, building different types of furniture for the house or fixing different things here and there. Alicia likes to spend a large amount of her free time reading books. She also enjoys visiting antique stores. She likes to find new ways to incorporate old historical features into the design of their home.


A good parent is someone who loves their child unconditionally. They put the needs of the child first, are a good role model, and always provide support to their child. They are strong in their faith and not afraid to ask for guidance when necessary. Our general approach to discipline is to have clear, consistent expectations and follow through. When necessary it may be essential to use time out (which includes time ins) or removal of privileges. If a disagreement arises between us as a couple, issues will be discussed in private and not in front of the child. We must always remain a united front. We want our child to feel that he/she can achieve anything he/she wants. We will be supportive in any decisions that he/she makes.


We would like to begin by expressing our complete admiration for your strength in considering adoption. It is a truly courageous and selfless decision on your part and we are deeply honored that you are taking time to read our profile. Our names are Matt and Alicia and we have spent many unsuccessful years trying to grow our family. Having a child is very important to us and we hope that you consider us for this very special journey. We live in a small quiet town in central Illinois. Our home is a three-bedroom ranch style with a spacious yard. It is our absolute favorite place in the world. Matt is always coming up with different projects to work on in the house, while Alicia spends a great deal of effort decorating. We have already converted one of the spare bedrooms into a nursery! Our home is located across the street from a park where several neighborhood kids play. We are located in a terrific school district that offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities to their students. It is a wonderful community to raise a child. We both come from very close-knit immediate families, and just as close extended families. Both sides are very excited about the potential for a new baby!