We met at a local restaurant in Little Rock 7 years ago and decided to go on our first date later that night. We have been inseparable ever since!
I am a Locomotive Engineer for Union Pacific Railroad, and have been there for 18 years. I have been there long enough now that luckily I am home quite often and for long periods of time. I usually only work about half of the year. Jessica is a Respiratory Therapist Manager at UAMS. She has been there for 12 years and also only works half of the year. She works 7 out of 14 days every 2 weeks, and is home every day. We have a great support system of friends and family that has allowed us to keep our son Remy at home with us without enrolling him in daycare. We do plan on doing that eventually to help him meet other children and sharpen his social skills, but we feel that it is important when they are young to spend as much time with them as possible. We also believe that it keeps our son healthier during the winter months.
We like to stay at home with our son and spend time together as a family as much as possible, but it is also important to us for him to be exposed to all of our friends and family and people that he does not yet know. We feel that the more people he meets and spends time with, the more outgoing he will become, and the more enriched his life will be. We believe in talking things out instead of punishment when possible. Obviously our son doesn't say much right now since he is only 7 months old, but we talk often with each other about how we plan on handling any disagreements. We believe that more can be accomplished with discussion, when possible. We also do not want our son to think that he runs the show. We will not bribe him to behave and we are not going to bargain with him either. He needs to learn at a young age that we are in charge and ultimately, make the decisions.
We are a loving, and very caring couple, who want nothing more than the chance at adopting another child. We have exhausted all avenues of fertility treatment, and realized that adoption was the perfect opportunity for us. Once we adopted our son, it made us both wonder why we waited so long. He has brought so much joy to us and our family. As much as we love our son, we think that he would like to have a brother or sister to grow up with.